#Tuesday #TuesdayThoughts #Transformation #TransformationTuesday #TuesdayTransformation #selfcheck #mirrorcheck #Heartspeak
As my life continues to #transform my mind renews! I am in a really wonderful place mentally and I give God all the praise, honor and glory for it. #Selfawareness and the analyzation of my relationships and interactions with others has been truly powerful. I find value in each and every one. My friends know that I made the decision a long time ago, to view life as a series of lessons and blessings. I choose to not dwell on the past or mistakes made. I firmly believe that when we make mistakes, we tend to experience the greatest growth IF we choose to learn from them.
God gives us all free will as He keeps His watchful eyes over us. We just have to surrender to His will for our lives. We were all brought here with seeds of greatness and gifts within. It is up to us to tap into it. I know that my purpose is rooted in service and helping others. Who am I not to embrace the process set before me for God to get His greatest out of me? Just a little #foodforthought today! Feel free to do the dishes before you leave! 😉☺ Peace, blessings and L❤VE! - MzVirtue