Why #BlackLivesMatter should matter to everyone
When a person is not able to open their minds enough to see
life through another’s experiences, what shallow lives they lead…
Refusing to acknowledge something exists does not keep it
from being another’s reality. Just because you claim to not see something,
doesn’t mean it’s not a problem. Too many people closing their eyes to reality
and trying to keep it swept under a rug.
What we see happening in this nation right now is a result
of sweeping things under a rug and not acknowledging there is a problem. Keep
sweeping it under the rug and eventually you will create a trip hazard or
something you can no longer go over.
I write a lot about examining our own hearts and being
honest with ourselves. We should be in touch with our own emotions and keeping
them in check. We truly know what we feel inside and if our actions are being
led by hate or love. Not enough people coming from a place of love and having a
respect for all humanity. Too many people thinking their way of thinking is the
best and only way to think.
Trying to pretend this country doesn’t have a long history
of racism is creating even more problems or issues. Why is it when attention is
drawn to the differences in treatment to one group all of a sudden so many have
a problem with it?
I see animals getting more passion than humans. Yes, we are
to love all creatures but why does it fall short with black people?
How can we be one nation under God when we can’t even be one
nation? I am tired of the media and certain folks thinking
that just because they find a misguided, out of touch person with the same
color of skin as I do they represent me. I am tired of every time there is
story of someone breaking the law, a person of color is dogged out worse and
called worse, THEN used to classify an entire race. For every bad person that
you try to spotlight, remember, there are many more doing good.
Those of you sitting back and remaining silent, you are just
as much a part of the problem as well. You leave the negative voices to stand tall
and make it seem they are the majority. I don’t even read news articles that
spotlight a black person as the offender because I already know the tone of the
comments. These are the same people that have been dogging the President since
he has been in office. You listen to the do nothings in government who have
done everything possible to block his progress while celebrating the very
people that are keeping you down. With the successes he has STILL been able to
accomplish, just imagine what could have been done had they worked together.
They are rich while you sit complaining about the very environment they put you
in. I am proud to have a President and First Lady who knows what it is to work
hard for what you have. I feel the same way about VP Joe Biden and his wife.
Many times I sit and wonder what is wrong with people. Some of
the things said are so idiotic it’s unbelievable. It can be scary because these
same people are voting.
This morning something hit me as I once again pondered
writing this. I was reminded in the Bible of when God hardened the heart of Pharaoh
and each time Moses went to him and said let my people go, Pharaoh would not do
Hearts are hardened and it has finally caused people to wake
up and start doing something. Black Lives Matters in no way shape or form says
that all lives don’t matter. Black Lives Matters says BLACK LIVES should be
included in the ALL LIVES part. It’s time people got the memo but we had to do
it first. If all lives truly mattered, BLM would not exist. It wouldn’t need to
exist, just common sense, which is why the opposition is mind boggling. Why
now? Maybe it’s because with all the evidence coming forth in incidents that
past few years, there should be no denying what is happening and has been
happening for many years.
Certain people want to keep pretending there isn’t a problem
because it makes them uncomfortable and they want want to hold themselves accountable
for their own feelings and thoughts. Wrong is wrong.
If you are saying BLM is a hate movement or it upsets you,
ask yourself why? Do you not think black lives matter too? That is all it is
saying. Why speak negatively about it? Why not support it too? During the civil
rights movement, it took everyone working together across all races to make the
changes we did receive. Open your eyes. This is an opportunity for unity.
You think racism doesn’t exist? Let me share with you MY
truth! I am a professional black woman who still deals with racism to this day
after growing up surrounded with it. Those of you who have seen my posts
understand how I carry myself. That still doesn’t matter to some people. We
dealt with it throughout growing up in NW Florida in school and other places.
We were not allowed to congregate like others. We did some of the same things
others did, the police made us leave. I remember big trucks congregating and we
would shake our heads and know it was different rules based on skin color. We
were good kids and not getting in trouble. Why were we not allowed to hang out
with our friends too? Wasn’t like we had a lot of places to go as teens.
I work with Doctors and their staff and have worked with
them all over this country. I have had doctors refuse to come into the room
with me because of my skin tone. I have worked in a state and been apologized
to because of the way people stared at me since “they have never seen a live
black person before” and in that same city been told I couldn’t use the same
bathroom as their daughter at this B & B I was forced to stay while there.
They hadn’t planned on anyone using the other bathroom because it was filthy
with hair all over the hot tub and sink. When they saw me, their mouths fell
open. So don’t tell me racism doesn’t still exist.
I want to challenge my friends of other races to take a
moment and really let the words I am writing sink in. Will you stand with us and open your hearts to what is truly real?
We are human beings with feelings and the same desires for our families as you
have. We don’t all go to jail, rob, steal, etc… just like all of you don’t.
Stop the labels.
I want to challenge my black brothers and sisters to wake
up. It’s time to love ourselves and stop letting other people tear us down. It’s time for us to stand
together and stop fighting each other and letting things that don’t truly
matter distract us. Stop trying to make other issues our people have an excuse
to tear down BLM! We do have a long way to go and we have to start somewhere. I
share more on these issues in my next post.
To this country and it’s people in position of power, we
have watched other groups stand up for themselves and demand respect and even
get it. It is our turn to stand up and fight for the rights we truly deserve as
well. If we don’t do it you can guarantee no one else will. It has been shown the squeaky wheels with the money and voting power gets the attention. A unified people makes a lot of people nervous. It's past time for change.
It's time to face the fact that we have an issue with
race. Ignoring it hasn’t made it go away and trying to discredit those who are
bringing it to the forefront is not going to fix it either. It’s time to sit
down and have some serious talks on how to resolve this. Start holding the
lying media goons accountable for what they say and stop taking it as the
gospel. You are nothing but puppets in their game of hatred and they want to
keep everyone separate. If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you. If
you are comfortable, now is the time to get uncomfortable and stand for what is
right. Point blank and a period!

Black Lives Matters is a love movement. It is a love of self
for my people and I am proud that they are raising their voices to be heard.
Instead of hating it for no reason, perhaps it time for you to actually take
the time to listen to what they are saying. Instead of trying to discredit BLM with lies, find what's real. Take a moment to see the world through our eyes and just maybe you will
find the truth.
Hopefully what I have shared here, which are my own views,
will get some people to just start thinking. Think… I would love to hear some
of your thoughts on how to resolve these issues. It’s not about it existing because you can’t convince me otherwise, it
is now time to work towards fixing.
From the heart as always, wishing you all peace, blessings
and love,