Saturday, July 9, 2016

HeartSpeak - Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired!

Stop acting like #BlackLivesMatters is saying All Lives don't matter. The fact  is, if ALL lives truly mattered, there would be no need for #BLM. What you need to ask yourself is why you are so threatened and bothered by it? The damage is not from the movement, it's from those who use hatred to oppose something they obviously choose NOT to understand.

Too many keyboard bandits using their platforms to be evil. They run around posting the same vile messages, post after post. You don't understand the simple concepts because you choose not to. Because you are incapable of relating, you bash. Lack of empathy and the automatic judging based on someone's brown skin leaves you in a blind rage. The responses are always different depending on the race of the subject. Open your eyes, people.
Those who DO understand and choose to remain silent are just as guilty. Ignoring something because you feel like it's not affecting your life will one day find you in a place where it's in your backyard. Speak up! #UnitedWeStand
The time for change is now. The time for reform is now. It's time to start holding people in position of power accountable. I don't care who gets elected at this point because it's time they ALL do what they were elected to do. If they are not, don't vote them back in. Simple as that.

It has been easy for blind puppets to blame everything on President Obama. Believing everything #FauxNews feeds them and other hate filled trolls with personal agendas. Politicians have been playing chess with our lives. They would rather play politics than do what's right trying to make someone look unsuccessful. All the things he accomplished, imagine if they had worked together, how much better things would be.  Common sense isn't common. Voting matters. Exercise your right.

Let's have some productive dialogue. Seek understanding. Ask if you don't know. Too many speaking without thinking. We've got to be better than this. We've got to do better. Check yourself! I truly feel sorry for people who spend their days hating. Imagine what they feel inside? It will eat you up like a cancer and consume you. Everything you see will make you angry. You will never experience joy or peace no matter what happens. Dangerous for your health. Dangerous for your soul.

With all that has been happening in this world and our Nation, I still have hope. I know there are more good people in this world than bad. Evil is overcome with good. Love WILL win in the end but not without conscious action.
I challenge you to have a conversation with someone you normally wouldn't. Smile at the people you pass, even if they don't smile back. Do something nice unexpectedly for someone, just because. Have an honest discussion with someone who you disagree with without being angry.

I have had all kinds of emotions this week, but I knew I couldn't let it consume me. God gave me a gift to love. I'm sharing it with you today. If it gets just one person to pause and think, then to God be the glory.
We are different yet all the same. We all have wants and needs. We want the best life for our families. The best gift you could leave your future generations is the gift of PEACE! What part will you play in creating the gift?

"When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you." -African Proverb

Peace, Love & Blessings

I am MzVirtue and I approve this message

Monday, March 21, 2016

~HeartSpeak~ It's simple- Be Kind!


“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

The time is always right to do the right thing. Doesn't cost a thing. People will throw rocks and hide their hands. One thing they fail to realize is that you cannot hide from God. Worrying about how you appear to man and forgetting how God truly sees the true you is not going to benefit you in the long run.

Mark 8:36 (KJV)

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

Think about how you feel on the inside when you are ugly to another human being. Think about how you feel when you show love and kindness. Now, imagine when you looked in the mirror what you saw was a reflection of your spirit.

If you do good and put out positive energy, that is what you will attract in your life. When you feel hatred welling up on the inside, that is the time to do a self check and get yourself together before you spit venom on someone else. Be kind, people. Do good and good will come to you.

Peace, blessings and a whole lot of love,

MzVirtue Reloaded

Sunday, January 24, 2016

~HeartSpeak~ Be Kind


Today I would like to say a prayer for all the hurting people who choose to impose their hurt on others. I pray that God heals whatever pain you have and you are able to get to a place of peace and be able to show love, understanding and compassion to others.

If you are being mistreated and you KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt you haven't done anything to a person, please do not take it personal or let it deter you from being wonderful you. If your relationship is at a place with the person that you can have an open dialogue with them about it, let them know. If they aren't, you still have every right to call them out on it and let them know it is unacceptable. Sometimes, they do not even put enough thought into it to realize what they are doing. Do not accept it. Call them on it.

If you are angry or upset, take a minute to think about what you say and how you approach others before interacting with them. Although hurting people will hurt others, that does not make it alright.

When we learn better, we should do better. What if the last words you spoke or wrote a person was the last they heard from you or anyone on this earth. Would you wish you had handled it differently?

Just a little food for thought. Being kind doesn't cost a thing but the results and how it makes another person feel can be priceless. You never know what a person is dealing with and what if what you said or did pushed them past a breaking point. You just have no way of knowing.

Encourage. Uplift. Celebrate.


Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Changes...No matter what you're going through, God will bring you through! ALL things are possible for those who believe! Press on! Press through! Embrace the process (changes)!

~HeartSpeak~ You Know You've Made the Right Decision When You Have Peace

A peace that surpasses all understanding comes from being connected and having faith in a GOD that is GREATER than any test or trial that comes your way. I call it GOD-fidence! 

1 Corinthians 15:58 instructs us to be stedfast, unmovable, ALWAYS abounding in the works of the Lord. Bottom line, don't let anything stop you from doing what God has called for you to do. Your labor will not be in vain and EVERYTHING God promised will come to pass!

You do your part. Follow His divine instruction, no matter what. Follow, even if it seems impossible to the natural eye. Follow when others laugh at You and don't believe in You. You can't limit God by the world's standards so why are you trying to limit His vision for your life?

Life truly begins outside of your comfort zone. Believe in yourself and trust God's vision for your life. Seek HIS face. You will find your purpose.

I love you all and pray you reach a place of peace and deliverance from what may be causing you discord in your life.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV)

5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Peace, Love and Blessings Always!


Sunday, January 10, 2016

~HeartSpeak~ Sunday- Don't Let Fear Decide Your Future

Fear symbolizes a lack of faith. Are you settling for barely enough because you are afraid to step out on faith and journey toward the promise of "more than enough"?

Get out of your own way and release that stinking thinking that is holding you back. Life can beat you down to a place you no longer remember your dreams IF you let it. It's time to take your power back.

Garbage in results in garbage out. Watch what you expose yourself to. It all matters. You want to increase your vision? Starve your doubts and fears and feed your belief in yourself and God's purpose for your life.

Look within and find ways to tap into your greatness. Be around people who uplift and encourage you, not people who tear others down.

Spend time getting to know the real you and figuring out exactly what you want in life. It's possible to get on track but it won't happen without effort.

Do you really want to change your life? If you do, you will must willing to do something different because doing nothing yields nothing.

How bad do you want it? Too many people sitting around waiting on God while God has been waiting on you. You know what you need to do. The question you need to ask yourself is "Why aren't you doing it?" ‪#‎RealTalk‬‪#‎TimetoGetUnstuck‬ ‪#‎Move‬
