Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Special Tuesday Heartspeak 12/15/2020
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Mid-Week Heartspeak - 12/2/2020
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Heartspeak 11/28/2020
#Saturday #SaturdayNight #Heartspeak
We have heard the phrase "the grass is always greener on the other side". What if that grass is artificial? People share what they want to share and folks will assume that their lives are easy! A lot of "overnight success stories" were 10 or even 20 years in the making. No one sees the sweat equity and years of preparation and often heartbreak involved. Many give up. Those that succeed keep going!
Your walk in life is custom designed just for you and no one can live it the way you can. There are a lot of lazy folks in this world that want everything handed to them but then there are the doers! Entrepreneurs are the heart and soul of this country! This is another reason we should #buylocal as often as we can and #supportsmallbusiness on not just #SmallBusinessSaturday but every day!
So, my advice is spend less time wishing for someone else's life and more time working to create a life you won't need to go to sleep for (in your dreams). Work HARDER but also work SMARTER! Embrace the process, YOUR process! Go through it, grow through it! #FoodforThought You do the dishes! 😉 - MzVirtue
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Heartspeak - I Love Books!!!
#Heartspeak - I do have #ebooks and #books on #kindle but nothing can replace the feeling I get holding a book in my hands and turning pages. It's like they hug me! When I was growing up, we used to have a #bookmobile that came through the neighborhood. Can't remember how often they came but I would check out no less than seven books at a time.
I've always loved to read. My grandmother taught me how to read and write before I ever set foot in any school. I loved the #library and couldn't wait for the Scholastic Book Club order forms to come through. (Random- I thought I saw an office for them in Lake Mary once.)
I think reading is so important. I know we have other options like #audiobooks and previously mentioned ebooks but give me something I can wrap my fingers around.
Growing up, some of my favorite books were the Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew and books by Judy Blume. Anybody old enough to remember those Which Way books with alternate endings? I even used to read Encyclopedias! We had both World Book and Encyclopedia Brittanica. I think that is where my love of Geography started to develop. I wanted to travel the world and do missionary work!
I think, most of all, reading opened my mind to other worlds and fed my very vivid imagination. Before YouTube and Google, we had books. I have so many cookbooks I have yet to unbox. Many more recipes "saved for later" that I've never tried. ☺
I am currently reading old speeches from some of our greatest African Americans and just immersing myself in our rich culture. It is disheartening to see something my ancestors wrote in the 1800s let alone the 1960s that could very well be written today.
I am inspired and being reminded daily of the gifts God gave me. The biggest being my VOICE. God is up to something and I'm riding with Him. When my heart speaks, I know my soul has been stirred. Not running from it. I'm embracing it.
Have a blessed night, babies! Please #VOTE!!! - MzVirtue out 😘
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Heartspeak August 30, 2020 - HOPE
Decided to do a video for my Heartspeak this week.
I know many are faced with some of the greatest challenges of their lives right how. I pray this inspires and encourages someone. God bless! - MzVirtue
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Heartspeak 8/23/2020 - Growing Pains
Not everyone you began this journey with will continue with you. This was one of the hardest lessons for me to learn but I now understand. I now realize it is by design. Not everyone wants to grow. They are content being where they are and that is ok.
We are all born with seeds of greatness within. It is up to us to tap into it. We each have free will and the choice to choose to reach our full potential or not. If you choose to keep going and growing, it doesn't make you a bad person. Not everyone is called to go higher. Some people are never meant to be a permanent part of your life. Appreciate the time you had. Smile that you had them.
Make room for connections at each level. Spend time in rooms where you aren't the most successful person. Read books. Never stop learning. Embrace this wonderful process. Follow your heart. Be kind. Keep dreaming big and growing until those dreams become reality! These are some keys to creating the life you truly deserve, the life God planned for you.
Have a blessed day on purpose!
Friday, August 14, 2020
Heartspeak 8/14/2020 - Words from a Mother
#Heartspeak - #WordsfromaMother #Wisdom #Friday - You've heard it before and you're about to hear it again. When a person shows you who they are, believe them! They don't always show you with words, but those ACTIONS!!! 👀👀👀

When you are generally kind and try to see the good in all people, it can be easy for you to be bamboozled. Ask me how I know? I remember Pastor Zach (RIP) preaching a message once and talking about people trying you and taking your kindness for weakness. He said, "You need you a Pee Wee! Pee Wee is a little crazy and they don't want to mess with Pee Wee! Pee Wee is unpredictable!" I thank God for MY Pee Wee! 🙌 They looked out for me when I was giving my all to those who didn't deserve it! God didn't call me to be a doormat. Thankful for those lessons that are not a blessing!
In these times, please use discernment. You need people around you that not only you can trust but you need people who WANT to support your vision. Visions are personal. God gave you yours. It's ok that others don't see it. You can't even share it with everybody. Some folks will not only try to destroy your dreams, but will even pray against it! Be wise with who you share with. If it doesn't add up, stop trying to buy new calculators to fix it. Numbers don't lie, but people sure do!
Envy and jealousy are sick diseases. Those driven by them are not happy, no matter what they say. When you are happy, you truly want to help others. When you focus on your own blessings, you learn to be content even in your pursuit of your dreams. You don't worry about competing with others because you know the person in the mirror is your true competition. You celebrate the success of others because you know it shows what's possible for YOU!
It's self check time! Do your personal assessment of your own life. Examine your heart. Examine your circle. Examine what you tolerate. Never settle for less than you deserve. People will treat you how you ALLOW them to treat you. When a person chooses to walk away from your life, let them. Have #faith, trust God and let HIM remove any obstacles. Get out of your own way! Peace & Love! - MzV
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Heartspeak - 5/24/2020
#Sunday #Heartspeak - My oldest Grand Prince, MJ, called me and Mom early this morning on video chat. I hopped on first, expecting to see my beautiful daughter. Was surprised to see his handsome, grinning face and the sounds of the SWEETEST "good morning"! We started our little convo, then Mom joins to the sounds of another sweet "good morning, Gee Gee"!
We are charged to make this world so much better than it is if for nothing other than our sweet babies! They deserve so much more!
Love conquers hate as light erases darkness. Anything representing divisive behavior and lack of compassion and love for ALL has no place in my life. ALL nouns... God IS Love and that LOVE is available to ALL regardless of other things that may be allowed to separate and divide.
My heart sincerely goes out to each and everyone enduring challenges at this time. Thank you to those selfless essential workers on the front lines. I pray no one innocent has suffer because some people feel the need to "exercise their rights" . Where the line is crossed and when YOUR rights put others at risk who choose to exercise THEIR rights to continue to take precautions.
Praying for peace and WISDOM to prevail. In the end, I know where our help comes from and because of this, I have faith we will get past this. ALL of it. Which side of history will you stand? Will you be one who helped or one who caused harm? Do what you like, but don't cause another to suffer because of YOUR choices. #FoodforThought
~ MzVirtue