#Heartspeak - #WordsfromaMother #Wisdom #Friday - You've heard it before and you're about to hear it again. When a person shows you who they are, believe them! They don't always show you with words, but those ACTIONS!!! 👀👀👀

When you are generally kind and try to see the good in all people, it can be easy for you to be bamboozled. Ask me how I know? I remember Pastor Zach (RIP) preaching a message once and talking about people trying you and taking your kindness for weakness. He said, "You need you a Pee Wee! Pee Wee is a little crazy and they don't want to mess with Pee Wee! Pee Wee is unpredictable!" I thank God for MY Pee Wee! 🙌 They looked out for me when I was giving my all to those who didn't deserve it! God didn't call me to be a doormat. Thankful for those lessons that are not a blessing!
In these times, please use discernment. You need people around you that not only you can trust but you need people who WANT to support your vision. Visions are personal. God gave you yours. It's ok that others don't see it. You can't even share it with everybody. Some folks will not only try to destroy your dreams, but will even pray against it! Be wise with who you share with. If it doesn't add up, stop trying to buy new calculators to fix it. Numbers don't lie, but people sure do!
Envy and jealousy are sick diseases. Those driven by them are not happy, no matter what they say. When you are happy, you truly want to help others. When you focus on your own blessings, you learn to be content even in your pursuit of your dreams. You don't worry about competing with others because you know the person in the mirror is your true competition. You celebrate the success of others because you know it shows what's possible for YOU!
It's self check time! Do your personal assessment of your own life. Examine your heart. Examine your circle. Examine what you tolerate. Never settle for less than you deserve. People will treat you how you ALLOW them to treat you. When a person chooses to walk away from your life, let them. Have #faith, trust God and let HIM remove any obstacles. Get out of your own way! Peace & Love! - MzV
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