Friday, October 11, 2013

If You Can See It...


Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Check Yourself!

The world would have you believe that everyone and everything is evil. I refuse to believe that or accept it as truth. Sure, things have gotten crazy (for some of us, it's the same as it's always been, just more people are taking notice). 

Everything in the media is not truth! If people would use their own minds, do their own research and READ it would make a huge difference. Some want to push their own agendas of hatred but you don't have to co-sign with that. You control your own emotions. Never give that power to anyone else. Fight for your positive space and if this world is to be a better place, more of us will have to start being the change we wish to see!

It all starts with the heart and keeping your own self in check! If you feel that ugliness inside, nip it in the bud right away! It becomes like a cancer the longer you hold on to it. Many people are walking around mad and don't even know why! Check yourself!

Be an atmosphere changer, don't let the atmosphere change you UNLESS its for the better!

From the heart,

Peace, blessings and LOVE ,


Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Butler and other thoughts...

I took time out to go see "The Butler" this afternoon. Powerful and highly recommended. Sometimes we take our freedom for granted and forget just a short while ago, others fought and died for our rights to not only equal access but voting as well. I cried but also laughed. There is a big chunk of history many of us were never taught in school. Good, bad or ugly, you need to know it. I have seen a lot of ugliness the past few months from people I would have never suspected. A reminder of that no matter how far we have come, we still have a long way to go. When you become indifferent and choose to force YOUR truth on others, this is where the ugly comes in. If we would all, no matter what our race may be, start being "real" with ourselves and checking the ugliness of our own hearts, only then can this Nation begin to truly heal. The learned behavior will have to be broken.

God is love and anything that does not come from a place of love is not of God. The next time an ugly thought or comment comes to mind, check it yourself. Just because that is how things have always been, does not make it right. Just because YOU do not share the experiences another has had, does not mean it does not exist. It starts with having a heart of compassion. Only love can combat the spirit of hatred that is trying to take over this country and even the world. I am thankful and confident that love will prevail. It starts with YOU!

John 3:16-17 (KJV)

16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

17 "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."

Choose you this day who YOU will serve! Asking God to continue to work patience in me and use me as His vessel for change and as a messenger of hope, peace and love! Life has a beginning and ending, separated by a dash... how will you spend your dash? What legacy will you leave?

Have a wonderful night family!

 — feeling hopeful.

Sunday Morning HeartSpeak- Mindset

~Sunday Morning Heart Speak~

Working on a Master Plan to celebrate "ZERO"! What is that? Being debt free! Many people DREAM of having no debt but how many actually plan a road map to get there? One day I will live a life that I will not need to vacation from. I will live the life I have dreamed of. I can say that beyond a shadow of a doubt. Why? Because I made a decision to do what others will not do so I can live the life they cannot live! It will take some sacrifices but I would rather make those sacrifices NOW so I can do these things later! Time is going to pass anyway. Why not make the time you have count!

I am so happy to see young people 18-30 years old that truly understand this. I would be SET right now if I had the mindset they have at that age. Better late than never! The funny thing is, I work harder at my job and make more sacrifices with that than I EVER will building my own business. Amazing, isn't it? It's about mindset folks!

The sooner we start changing the way we look at things, the sooner the things around us will change. I don't judge people and how they choose to live their lives but find it funny how people will try to judge people who have made the decision to change their lives for the better. Mindset! I'm going to carry on anyway. I know that if it is to be it will be up to ME! People often speak of dream stealers but I am a firm believer that when it comes to dreams, no one can truly steal them. You have to give up on them. You have that power to pursue your dream in spite of. If you can just walk way, perhaps your dream wasn't big enough. Stop being afraid or feeling guilty because you choose to dream bigger! I always have but thank God for His vision because the dreams He has for me are far greater than I could ever have imagined for myself! It is truly humbling when you give yourself away and accept the plans He has for your life. I am grateful that He has allowed me to see myself as He sees me. People will try to keep you boxed in to their perceptions of what you will and will not be! You are who GOD says you are!

I always loved the quote, "Those who say it cannot be done should never interrupt those who are doing it!" If you aren't going to help, then for goodness sakes don't hurt anyone. Support your family and friends! Encourage them. You think they don't know some of you laugh at them and talk behind their backs? That's ok and just a sign of being on the right track. They laughed at Bill Gates and others too! Mindset! When we know better, we should do better.

To those of you who are working hard and sacrificing to build a better life for your families and help others do the same, I salute you! Be encouraged and stay the course! God has you! Praying for your success and look forward to seeing you all at the top! There is room for everybody!

Just sharing from the heart and hope it blesses someone today!

Always in love and from the heart...

I am

 — feeling free.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Late Night HeartSpeak

Late Night ~HeartSpeak~

If it is to be...

It's amazing how God will bring something back from memory to bless you. This is why I count LIFE all joy!

Anyone that truly knows me knows that I like "deals" and will actually watch something until it goes on sale for long periods of time. I found a fanTASTIC "deal" on some bedroom furniture when I moved several years ago. I paid an extra fee, which I thought was low, and also thought included set up, etc... Should have known better!

The delivery guy arrived and I left him to do his thing. I was surprised at how quickly he was "finished". I had a rough day and was extremely tired and was looking forward to resting in my big King sized bed... WELL, when the guy emerged from the bedroom I went to take a quick look and there was nothing but boxes upon boxes in there. I looked at him and this is when he explained the reason I got such a great "deal". You don't get the assembled furniture on the showroom floor! I could not believe it. He then told me for a few hundred more dollars he could come back when he got off work and do it for me off the clock. I declined. After he left, I was about to set in to my pity party and start crying but then I realized, that would not solve anything and I would still need to get things done. So, I called a "friend" to ask to borrow tools and they said "NO!" Can you believe it? Guess what, at that point, it didn't matter. I politely said thank you and hung up then I "rolled my sleeves up" and went to work. It took me a few hours and even I was surprised at what I had accomplished but I put together the bed, two dressers and night stand. It was a blur and I don't remember a lot about it but I got it done! That once again let me know, I can do anything I put my mind to.

Moral of the story:

You are responsible for what does or does not happen in your life. You cannot sit back and blame it on someone else's action or inaction. Whatever you attitude is will greatly determine your "altitude" in life! I learned a long time ago, "If it is to BE it is up to ME!" So put in the work and make it happen family. Stop waiting for something to fall into your lap. The blessing you seek can be right in front of you, steps away! Go get it! The only way you will fail is if you give up! If you don't quit, you remove failure as an option!

Peace, love and blessings!

#unbreakable #unmovable #unstoppable #winning

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Got 15 minutes? You don't want to miss this! Check it out!

Would you like to hear more info on 5LINX? Take a look at a quick 15 min presentation. There is never a limit on how much money you have if you have an unlimited amount of ways to make money. 

5linx Presentation w/ DPSVP Tishina Pettiford 

Leave a message here or call 407-536-7682 and leave your callback info!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

If You Don't Believe in Yourself- Who Will?


Poets and artists are some of the most passionate people you will ever encounter. Those who truly get it understand we share a piece of our hearts and souls in our creations.  We see beyond the surface and find life in inanimate things. I am thankful for the pieces of me that are my passion- my art, my poetry, my music... It all comes from a place of love, rooted and grounded in my faith. It flows freely when I am inspired or touched internally. I write when my heart has something to say which is why my blog is named "HeartSpeak". I choose to use my gift to inspire others with the words God gives me. Many times I go back and find it inspires ME! 

It was on my heart to share that this morning and also to show appreciation to those who have shown me love and support over the years and continue to be a source of inspiration and encouragement. The more we give in love, the more love will flow back to us! I truly believe this!

As I look back over my life and begin to understand why some things happened the way they did (by God's design), I understand more about myself and have become even more appreciative of this journey called life. I have embraced my process and surrendered to the refinement of the "inner" me! So much makes more sense now and I always knew it would when I was ready to receive it!  Life is truly beautiful and wonderful!

You will meet people and even make new friends but then sometimes something will happen and they are no longer a part of your journey. It is ok. Not everyone is meant to go through to the end with you. Those that are will be there until the end! People grow at different times and are meant for different levels. Even in business, we have learned those who start the journey and get  you to one level are generally not the ones that go to the next level with you. Once again, it's ok!

Find your dream, your passion, something you can remain excited about and run with it! Run like you have never run before and stay focused on what it will take to achieve the end result! Roadblocks, distractions, setbacks- they serve a purpose!  They test how bad you want it! Are you willing to keep going? Are you willing to do what it takes? If not, perhaps what you are pursuing is not what you really want. If it was, would you let anything stop you?

My story continues to be written and what a bestseller it is... you have the power to change your ending. The pen is in your hand. Are you going to rewrite it or just sign off on what life gives you?

I know this is longer than what I usually write but I am just being obedient. I pray it blesses someone. As it usually goes, one day I will come back and read it and it will be a blessing to me!

Be blessed and have a wonderful day babies! I know I am! Much love! <3


Monday, March 4, 2013

Stuff MzVirtue Says!

Just in case someone needs a smile or some happiness or joy, feel free to take some of mine! No worries, there is plenty more where that came from! I have an endless supply of joy that flows from the river called "Grateful" and an unlimited supply of happiness because I KNOW who holds the present and future! You see family, I also know how the story ends only it is not an ending but the beginning of all things! 

When you give, give from the heart. When it comes from love, love is where it will stand, come what may. If we could only understand and change the way we look at the seemingly negative things that happen in life, we would understand we need adversity to help in our refinement. You want to sparkle like a diamond and shine as pure gold but are you willing to go through the process to get there?

Pain is temporary but fulfilling your destiny is priceless! Rejoice through the tears and praise through the pain. This TOO shall pass! 

See the end and let all of your actions line up with getting you to your desired destination... ;-) You are closer than you think! God bless babies! <3

~MzVirtue ~

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Opportunity is Knocking and available for those who really and truly want it! Check this out!

Spend more time with family, save for your children's college fund or pay for them to go to private school, diversify income, give more to charity, secure your financial future, freedom- these are all a few reasons why some people tell me they want to start their own business. We all know the W2 world is not secure. With the layoffs, forced early retirements, etc... it just makes sense to have a Plan B. There are many opportunities out there, you just have to look. Let's be honest, business ownership is not for everyone! But for the few that it is for, the rewards are far greater than the work you put in! Hard work truly pays off and if you are going to work hard, why not doing it for yourself! Check out this presentation then leave your contact info at 407-536-7682 after viewing it in its entirity. You will receive a callback within 24 hours.The best decision to make will always be an informed decision!

Are you hungry and coachable? If your answer is yes, you can succeed in your own business! The system is simple and already in place! People from all walks of life are learning how to earn extraordinary income! The information is free. What it could cost you if you do NOT check it out is limitless! Looking for a few more people who are looking to diversify their income or a Plan B! We all know that Plan A does not bring the security it used to bring! What would you do tomorrow if you got that pink slip? What about those of you that are looking forward to retiring on a percentage of what wasn't enough in the first place and will STILL have to look for another job. There is a better way!. This is a legitimate business opportunity with an Inc 500/5000 company that has an A+ rating with the BBB. ***Serious Inquiries Only*** Business Opportunity in rapid expansion mode throughout the US and Canada*** If you know anyone, share this with them ASAP**** My passion has always been helping and inspiring others. God led me to an opportunity that allows me to use my abilities to do just that! This has been an amazing year and 2013 will be even better! Its all about timing and positioning! Life is filled with many possibilities! My mission is two-fold! (1) Help people save money on some of the products and services many of us use on a daily basis and (2) help those individuals who are interested in learning how they can take a plan B and turn it into their plan A by helping others do #1! Ask me how! I'm searching for individuals who know they are destined for greatness. I believe in living a life "by design" and love to surround myself with like-minded people. Do you have: 1. Work Ethic 2. Desire 3. Commitment 4. Passion 5. Focus If you possess these qualities and have not yet found a vehicle that you feel can pay you what you are worth, I would love to have a conversation with you!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Jonathan Nelson My Name Is Victory

Speaking Life! I've got evidence, I've got confidence! I know who I am! God wrote it in His plan for me! My name is Victory and so is YOURS! Say it like you mean it! God gave me authority to conquer the enemy! He wrote it in my destiny that my name is VICTORY!!! ♥

Dave Hollister - Striving

Here's some pain medicine for ya! No matter what you are going through, never give up, never give in! Keep striving!!! ;-)

Have a blessed day!


Thursday, January 31, 2013

Walk In Victory

"Anything that does not line up with the vision God placed in your heart should not be seen as permanent but as subject to change."- Joel Osteen

We are powerful beings, not powerless! Sometimes we need help learning to tap into that power. When in doubt, go to the Source, and Creator of all things! Once you change the person you are inside, everything on the outside will change too! As you grow as a person, the things around you tend to grow. Greatness truly does reside in each of us! 

Once you truly grasp this and realize how amazing you truly are and SEE yourself the way God sees you, you become unstoppable! So actually, the only thing stopping you is YOU! Not the person that tries to talk down to you. Fact of the matter is my babies, you never have to accept someone else's perception of who you are! 

When you focus on pleasing man and not God, you give away your power and freedom to walk in His divine will. You also give the same people that lifted you up, the power to tear you down. When God elevates you, not a devil in hell can bring you down! Those trials may come but you pass the test time and time again. You may get knocked down, but you get right back up! 

Something bigger and greater is waiting for you! If you are going through, hold your head up. It gets better! Just keep pressing! Walk in victory and love! Move when God says move and He will take care of the rest! Get what you came here for! 

God bless and much love! ~MzV~ ♥