Sunday, May 24, 2020

Heartspeak - 5/24/2020

#Sunday #Heartspeak - My oldest Grand Prince, MJ, called me and Mom early this morning on video chat. I hopped on first, expecting to see my beautiful daughter. Was surprised to see his handsome, grinning face and the sounds of the SWEETEST "good morning"! We started our little convo, then Mom joins to the sounds of another sweet "good morning, Gee Gee"!

We are charged to make this world so much better than it is if for nothing other than our sweet babies! They deserve so much more!

Love conquers hate as light erases darkness. Anything representing divisive behavior and lack of compassion and love for ALL has no place in my life. ALL nouns... God IS Love and that LOVE is available to ALL regardless of other things that may be allowed to separate and divide.

My heart sincerely goes out to each and everyone enduring challenges at this time. Thank you to those selfless essential workers on the front lines. I pray no one innocent has suffer because some people feel the need to "exercise their rights" . Where the line is crossed and when YOUR rights put others at risk who choose to exercise THEIR rights to continue to take precautions.

Praying for peace and WISDOM to prevail. In the end, I know where our help comes from and because of this, I have faith we will get past this. ALL of it. Which side of history will you stand? Will you be one who helped or one who caused harm? Do what you like, but don't cause another to suffer because of YOUR choices. #FoodforThought

~ MzVirtue