Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This Lady Wants to Make you Successful - Here's How | | West Orlando News Online 2011® Central Florida News, Info, Sports

This Lady Wants to Make you Successful - Here's How | | West Orlando News Online 2011® Central Florida News, Info, Sports

This is an entry from West Orlando News sharing a little bit of my story... My passion is to help others and I want to help as many people as I can learn to live life by design instead of just settling for what comes their way. Sadly, many do not realize that they have the power to change their atmospheres and their destinations in life. I hope to change that. I truly want to make a difference. I still have a vision of hope and will until the day I take my last breath. This is just one component of what makes me, me... I am more than people see. The fact that they do not realize it is not going to change my focus. This is what happens when you get to a place where you know WHO and WHOSE you are...

I have missed blogging and excited to be back... my story continues to be written and its going to be a best seller! Stay tuned! ;-)

Love, peace and blessings!

Mz V

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